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Flutter Frameworks


官方文档:fish-redux/doc at master · alibaba/fish-redux

先了解一下 Redux 的理念:中心化的状态管理。Centralizing your application's state and logic enables powerful capabilities like undo/redo, state persistence, and much more.

fish-redux 在 Redux 的基础上发展:The framework not only solves the problem of state management, but also solves the problems of divide and conquer, communication, data drive, decoupling and so on.

Component 是基本单元,是视图呈现和逻辑功能的封装。Page 继承 Component。


分治:单个 Component 内部,用户在 View 触发了 Action(例如点击按钮),造成 Side Effect,通过 Reducer 改变了状态。


集中:全局状态改变如何影响每个具体的 Component


-- action.dart /// define action types and action creator
-- page.dart /// config a page or component
-- view.dart /// define a function which expresses the presentation of user interface
-- effect.dart /// define a function which handles the side-effect
-- reducer.dart /// define a function which handles state-change
-- state.dart /// define a state and some connector of substate
-- action.dart // 定义页面有哪些动作
-- component.dart
-- view.dart // 页面 Widget
-- effect.dart // 事件处理,包括 action 里定义的事件、和生命周期事件
-- reducer.dart // 改变状态
-- state.dart // 页面有哪些状态

例子:fish-redux/example at master · alibaba/fish-redux

Middleware 是处理一些面向切面的东西,例如对每个页面的生命周期落日志这种。

Dependencies is a structure that expresses dependencies between components.

adapter: used to build a high-performance ListView.

slots: subcomponents that the component depends on.

Dependent: connector + subcomponent

connector: It expresses a data connection relationship of how to read small data from a big data, and how to synchronize to big data when the small data is modified.

有了这个 connector,在 view.dart 里面调用 viewService.buildComponent('report') 就可以创建子 component,而不用传参数,状态的传递也是通过这个 connector。

生命周期通过 Action 的形式在 effect.dart 里处理。

effect.dart 不能修改页面状态,要修改页面状态的话,要通过 dispatch 派发 Action 到 reducer.dart 里处理。


nested | Flutter Package

Nested: A widget that simplify the writing of deeply nested widget trees.

classDiagram Widget <|-- StatelessWidget : extends Widget <|-- StatefulWidget : extends StatelessWidget <|-- Nested : extends Widget <|.. SingleChildWidget : implements SingleChildWidget <|.. Nested : implements StatelessWidget <|-- SingleChildStatelessWidget : extends SingleChildWidget <|.. SingleChildStatelessWidget : implements StatefulWidget <|-- SingleChildStatefulWidget : extends SingleChildWidget <|.. SingleChildStatefulWidget : implements


Provider 是官方推荐的状态管理。

Simple app state management | Flutter

不用关心这些:InheritedWidget, InheritedNotifier, InheritedModel,Provider 已经封装好了。

要用 Provider,先了解 3 个概念:ChangeNotifier, ChangeNotifierProvider, Consumer

If something is a ChangeNotifier, you can subscribe to its changes. (It is a form of Observable, for those familiar with the term.) ChangeNotifier is part of flutter:foundation.

ChangeNotifierProvider is the widget that provides an instance of a ChangeNotifier to its descendants. It comes from the provider package.

When you call notifyListeners() in your model, all Consumer widgets's builder method get called.

class EditNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
bool isEditing = false;

void setEditing(bool isEditing) {
this.isEditing = isEditing;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (ctx) => EditNotifier(),
child: Consumer<EditNotifier>(
builder: (BuildContext context, notifier, Widget? child) {
return Text("isEditing: ${notifier.isEditing}");

如果不想包一层 Consumer,也可以直接在我们的 Widget 里监听状态:

Provider.of<CartModel>(context, listen: true).totalPrice;
// 语法糖<CartModel>().totalPrice,

如果我们不需要更新 UI,只需要访问共享状态时,则可以用:

Provider.of<CartModel>(context, listen: false).removeAll();
// 语法糖<CartModel>().removeAll();

listen: false 使得当前 Widget 不会因为共享状态的改变而 rebuild。